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This post will show you 16 beautiful front door decor ideas!
Front door decor is to a house what a handshake is to a first-time meeting: a taste of who that person is going to be. Are they confident and loud or shy and distant? Up in your face since the very first second or filled with hidden secrets that will take time to uncover?
Similarly, your front door is the first glimpse anyone has into how your home represents you. In other words, it is your first chance to introduce your most personal space to the world.
Keep on reading to discover 16 elegant front door decor ideas to elevate your front door and let your personality shine for love at first sight!

How to Style the Perfect Front Door Decor
When choosing how to decorate your front door, it’s important to spend some time considering the commitment you are willing to invest in upkeeping the decor. Unlike an interior, the outdoors often relies heavily on plants, flowers, and seasonal touches to better fit their surroundings.
If you do not wish to keep rotating your decor, or more simply are cursed with a black thumb, you may need to take a more creative approach to the pieces you decide to invest in.
For instance, exchange a pot of flowers for a beautiful succulent, or a set of Halloween pumpkins for a charming side table. There are plenty of options that can beautifully capture your style and seamlessly fit your lifestyle. All you need is a bit of creativity and the list of 16 ideas I have compiled for you!
Front Door Decor: 16 Ideas to Make a Statement
1. Chinoiserie Vases/Planters

Source: Anne Rhett for Domino
A wonderful compromise between high-maintenance flowers and succulents, a potted tree can add a beautiful and resilient touch of green to your front door decor.
Pair the vibrant green with blue and white chinoiserie pots for a sophisticated look that will stand the test of weather and time.
2. Rattan Tall Planters

Source: @nadine_stay
For front door decor that connects your home with the outdoors that surrounds it, natural materials are the perfect choice.
Tall wicker planters and earthy colors will create sleek modern lines for an effortless but curated entrance.
Make sure to combine a variety of different materials to add visual interest to your decor while remaining consistent with the neutral tones you have chosen. I love the combination of wicker and metal, especially if you are trying to achieve a modern farmhouse look.
3. Hanging Flower Basket

Source: @whereheartresides
When working with a small entrance or front patio, you might need to be creative about where to place your front door decor.
No matter what design you are creating, you never want to give the impression of crowded clutter. The theme of your entrance should be open and welcoming, not a confusing mess!
If you are dealing with limited real estate, think of hanging a wicker basket on your front door. Fill it with colorful flowers and personal touches like a bow for a unique alternative to a standard wreath. It will look lovely and leave plenty of floor space for you and your guests to walk by!
4. Hunting Dog Concrete Statue

Source: @amy_cbandbp
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This idea is perfect if you have been dreaming of continental, classic front door decor.
A beautifully crafted garden statue of your favorite animal will be a stylish addition to your entrance, combining the beauty of a piece of art and a fun mascot for your home.
Be mindful of the material you select and the studio you buy the piece from; you don’t want to invest in a statue that will be easily damaged by rain and wind. Classic stone or concrete should always be your first choice for a timeless and sturdy purchase.
5. Side Bench

Source: @decoazul_byscarllett
Front door decor is often focused on aesthetics and less concerned with functionality. However, I like to think smart design happily achieves good looks and convenience.
A small, well-placed bench on the side of your front door is a perfect example of decor that can make your life easier. No more packages left on the curb or grocery bags lying on the floor waiting to be brought in.
This idea will work particularly well if you need to fill an awkward space due to protruding walls; leverage this setup to create a beautiful corner that will make your guests feel welcome before they even cross the threshold!
6. Classic Elegant Planters

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If you are a traditional person at heart and appreciate understated elegance, look no further than classic urn planters. These timeless pieces will help you achieve a classy, sophisticated look with minimal effort.
Check-in with your local plant shop to find a good option for a potted plant that flowers easily and can last through seasons. All you will have to do is follow instructions to keep it vibrant and alive for stunning year-round front door decor.
7. Colorful Stained (Peel & Stick) Glass

Source: @mybestplace_no.2
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I have always adored the look of stained glass – delicate and intricate, so interesting to look at and able to capture beautiful light for your entryway.
Unfortunately, stained glass front doors are not as common as they used to be. However, if like me, you love the look, you will be able to easily replicate it for a fraction of the price.
Invest in some good quality peel & stick-stained glass film to turn your blank door windows into a marvelous combination of colors and shapes. An added benefit: dirty windows will be less visible and you will gain some privacy. I like to call that a win-win situation!
8. Matching Colorful Planters

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If you are lucky enough to have a bold-colored front door, your decor pieces should serve as supporting actors to help it shine in all its personality.
Think of using some of the leftover paint from your front door to create matching customized planter boxes. While this DIY might take a few hours to complete, you will be left with truly unique pieces that will elevate your front door decor to the next level.
Advice corner: if you ask kindly and tip generously, your painter may even be willing to get this done for you. Ask ahead of time if they can provide a color match or the additional service for a small fee, and you might save yourself a few hours of work.
9. Side Table

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Front door decor is often a great way to reuse older decor items that your interiors may have outgrown in size or style.
That old side-table you no longer know where to put? Your front door might be the perfect place for it!
Use small tables and stools as a creative display stand for your treasured plants and flower pots. They will add a touch of color and originality to your front door while being affordable and sustainable.
10. Double Flower Wreath

Source: @thecharlestonlens
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I have two questions for those of you with a classic double front door:
- How does it feel to be God’s favorite?
- Why am I not seeing two wreaths on it right now?
For front door decor that makes a statement, select a pair of twin wreaths for your entrance. This stunning, opulent look will be loved by your guests and passersby alike.
Bonus points if you keep up with seasonal decor and update your wreaths a few times throughout the year to capture the perfect atmosphere!
11. Stacked Flower Shelves

Source: @jodie.thedesigntwins
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If you have been gifted by life with a green thumb, then a flower display is the front door decor that was meant just for you.
Don’t limit yourself to a few pots on the side of your door; go the extra mile! Play with stands of different heights and shapes to add visual depth to your entrance and showcase all your favorite plants and flowers. For an eclectic approach, mix and match different pots without worrying too much about consistency.
Your entrance will be a wonder of colors and remind you, each time you pass by, that you are surrounded by beauty.
12. Pop-of-Color Door

Source: Satori Design for Living
Painting your front door for the sake of decor may seem a bit extreme, but I promise the results will leave you wishing you had done it earlier.
A bold, bright color will not only fill your entrance with vibrancy and personality, but it could also be just what you need to tie your space together.
In fact, according to the Unexpected Red Theory (read more on Forbes), adding a touch of red to your space, even if unrelated to the surrounding decor, is the secret to making your entrance stand out and look better than it ever did before.
13. Mixed Patterns

Source: @jenniferdimplesandtangles
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Patters may be the last thing you think of when imagining the perfect front door decor, but that would be a mistake.
Similarly to the role they play in interiors, well-combined patterns can create fun layers of decor that will transform your front door. The secret is to make sure patterns share similar or complementary colors that fit well with the palette you have chosen for your entrance.
Striped planters, plaid rugs, and subtle touches like gingham bows can come together in for an unexpected composition that will keep your guests looking as they get lost in all the beautiful details.
14. Umbrella Stand

Source: @thewhitepeppervintage
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A new addition to the precious list of decor items that are also functional: welcome the umbrella stand.
Especially useful if you live in a city that sees more rain than you like to remember, an umbrella stand can be the piece of front door decor that makes the difference between a clean and messy entryway.
Two fundamental benefits: it will provide you and your guests with a convenient place to store wet umbrellas, as well as make an umbrella available the moment you step out the door. Style and convenience – what else could you ask for?
15. Wall Plant

Source: @thistimeincolour
If you are currently re-doing your garden or are looking to refresh the look of your outdoors, then a climbing plant might be the front door decor you didn’t know you wanted.
Opt for a plant that blooms generously in spring and summer, while being able to survive through tougher winters.
You will see it grow and change, alongside you and your home with each year that passes by!
16. Hanging Lanterns

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Outdoor lighting is not something you want to take for granted: it is crucial for safety reasons.
However, no need to settle for an ugly outdoor lamp that you would rather not see. Choose instead beautiful, vintage-inspired lanterns for a classic look that will take you back in time.
The variety of styles available, as well as the plethora of cool functionalities like sunlight-powered batteries and movement sensors, will ensure you can find the perfect piece for your front door decor!
To Conclude
While often forgotten, front door decor is actually an important part of your home styling.
Your front door decor should be the very first introduction to your world, showcasing how your home speaks of you and your personality.
Make sure to combine aesthetics and functionality for a space that can accommodate high traffic without sacrificing style!

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